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What is this white buildup on my pool?


Lime scale buildup is visible on the tiled spillway of this inground pool.
Lime scale buildup is visible on the tiled spillway of this inground pool.

Have you noticed a white film occurring on your waterline tile, spillways, grout joints, or in your pool equipment? This is due to the pool industry's lifeline of telling clients that 200-400ppm calcium is a sufficient range of operation. 200-400 ppm, over a short period of time will cause calcium lime scaling, the white substance that occurs on pool surfaces and better yet, inside your pool equipment. Our experts at Chlorine Free Pool Systems have found that a softer range; approximately 50-100 ppm, will prevent Calcium Lime Scaling from occurring, while softening your water and preventing this build up from effecting your pool finish and filtration equipment.

Studies From Understanding Calcium Lime Scale Buildup:

More important than the pool structure itself, is the water that is inside it. Not only is it critical for you to be swimming in clean water, it's also critical that the water present in your pool is not harmful to it's surroundings; i.e. pool equipment. Scaling and corrosion will ultimately cause efficiency loses, malfunctions and total equipment failure. This is a pivotal understanding point in terms of long term costs of pool ownership.

Lochinvar, a world renowned company focusing on the manufacturing side of gas & propane pool and spa heaters, recently released a case study on the harmful effects on calcium lime buildup on gas heaters. In their case study, they have found that if enough scale buildup is present on the heat exchanger, the "metal overheats, causing distorting, embrittlement and eventual failure of the water heater. In fact, as little as one-fourth of an inch of lime scale on the heat exchanger can increase operating costs by 25% and cause tank failure in as little as two years" (Lochinvar, White Paper Study).

Solution for Calcium Lime Scaling

Our experts at Chloring Free Pool Systems have found that a couple key components that can prevent calcium lime scaling as well as deteriorate this build-up if already present on your pool surround and pool equipment.

1) Add a UV sanitizer to your pool filtration system. UV-C is a fantastic source for killing bacteria present in water and effectively reduces saturated calcium buildup from crystalizing by approximately 85%.

2) Maintain 50-100ppm Calcium hardness. 50-100ppm puts your water in a softer range, and prevents scaling from occurring; ultimately, keeping your pool finish and pool equipment in good health.

3) Speak to Chlorine Free Pool System Techs about adding Target Zero to your pool. Target Zero is an advanced organic protein that infiltrates surface and sub-surface bacteria, disturbs it's bond and dislodges it from its host. The protein takes this bacteria, puts it into solution and causes this bacteria to strike to its vulnerable state, Plankton; the beginning of life. When this new form of bacteria is created, it is super reactive when traveling through filtration equipment. Ultimately, when a UV light is present, UV-C will kill the bacteria and eliminate it from the water source.

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